What Can JHPDigital Do For YOUR Business?

Brand Identity

We will help you tell your company "story" quickly and concisely with a consistent narrative across all social media platforms relevant to your business.

Sales Strategy

We will identify your key sales initiatives and develop a cohesive approach through a custom sales funnel designed to bring you new customers.

Digital Marketing Tactics

We will create a pro-active campaign and timeline, and assist you in an ongoing marketing program.

Customer Aquisition

We will find new audiences for your marketing message and convert them into new and repeat customers.

Mobile Friendly Websites

Our team can create a simple website for your business that is  mobile device friendly, which  is essential for successful social media campaigns.

Focused Creative

Our team will assist in the layout and design of your website, keeping your company message clean, clear and concise.

Systems Consulting

Our team will help you identify simple key systems like FB pixels, re-targeting, chat client and analytics that will help you make a stronger connection to potential customers.


Our team can provide system support from a one-time training session, ongoing monthly maintenance, or completely handle everything for you.


We can customize videos of you, your staff and your business for product demonstration, education tutorials and special events or promotions.

Voice Over

We can write copy, provide talent, record content and produce commercials for radio ads, podcasts and voice over projects.

Music Beds

We can provide custom music beds for your videos, composed to your specialized needs.

Virtual Training

We will train your staff how to be  effective systems experts,  invaluable brand ambassadors and proactive contributors to helping you get more customers...giving YOU, the Small Business Owner more financial freedom and peace of mind.

The JHPDigital Executive Team

Tracee Theisen-Henny has a BA in Communications and Marketing, and 25 years experience  in Broadcast Marketing, Advertising, Promotions and Social Media Marketing,  representing CBS Radio,  iHeart Media and the Los Angeles Dodgers.  She has worked with Fortune 500 companies on large-scale, multi-market programs as well as small business owners with regional, local and even single locations.  Her experience as a Corporate Executive and as a Small Business Owner gives her a unique perspective to identify and implement creative strategic programs that enable small businesses achieve their commercial objectives.

John Henny has  been a top celebrity vocal coach in Los Angeles for over 30 years.  He is also an educator in the industry, and has released a number of education products for voice teachers and studio owners.  John is certified in content marketing, customer acquisition and value optimization through Digital Marketer, and is passionate about helping others grow their businesses.  John enjoys working with the latest technology to educate small business owners on how to utilize Social Media Platforms as a profitable sources of revenue.

We Are Certified to Help Bring You Customers

For a Free Consultation, Contact Our Front Desk


137 N Glendora Ave

Glendora, CA  91741

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